Course 02: Value #1 "Intercessory Prayer Fuels It"
- LESSON #1: "Where Are You At?"
- LESSON #2: Urgency & Philosophy "Pray First (with Greg Stier)" (VIDEO LINK 14:13)
- LESSON #2: Urgency & Philosophy "Pray First (with Greg Stier)" (VIDEO LINK 14:13)
- LESSON #3: View the playlist of PRAYER best practices and choose 1 that you think you can do within the next 2 weeks
- LESSON #4: Strategy "Planning Process" VIDEO LINK (4:21)
- Extra Resource: Do the questions at the end of Chapter 4 in the book “GOSPELIZE YOUR YOUTH MINISTRY.” FREE E-BOOK DOWNLOAD
- Give us some feedback on your experience! CLICK HERE
- Give us some feedback on your experience! CLICK HERE